It was July and during the heat of the summer and we were in a mini heatwave but I just couldn't run like I used to. I went on a regular 10km route that I've done loads of times before and I just couldn't run. I walked LOADS. I walked on hilly sections, I stopped halfway and had to buy water and I just felt out of sorts.
I few days later it suddenly dawned on me..... could I???? Could we??? Surely not!!! People don't get pregnant on the second month of trying, do they?
My period was not late yet as I wasn't actually due yet and had another few days until I was due on. Although my periods are always all over the place and quite irregular, my handy little mobile phone ap was telling me I had another 4 days to wait until Aunty Flow was coming to visit.
I mentioned it to my husband on the Friday night that maybe... just maybe my running was flaky because, what if, what if I was pregnant???
We were actually off for an evening bike ride, another ten miles of exercise and the ride was great in the warm summers evening but driving home we stopped via Tesco to get a pack of pregnancy tests. Even if we weren't... we would need them for the coming months so worth a purchase.
My husband didn't want to test that evening as didn't see the point until my period was actually late but I had insisted on buying tests that could tell you whether you were pregnant up to 5 days before your missed period.
Saturday morning arrived and I went off to Parkrun as I did every Saturday morning. It was another HOT day. Like really hot, 25'C before 9am hot and I had to walk up sections and talked to other runners who were saying how gruelling this heat was and again I was slower than the previous week. I blamed the heat, naturally, anyone would. But I got home and felt awful. Maybe I had just dehydrated, maybe last nights bike ride and this mornings run was too much in the heat and I just needed a rest.
Sunday arrived and I couldn't wait any longer for my period due date to arrive, so we sat in the bathroom together and I pee'd on a little pregnancy test stick. My husband sitting on the edge of the bath, myself sitting on the edge of the toilet. He was reading the instructions and asking how long it would take for a result to appear.
I instantly replied, I don't think we need to wait for a result as a line had appeared instantly. It was saying we were pregnant!!!
We hugged, a weird, emotional awkward hug, trying not to wipe the pee stick test still in my hand on his clothes as we hugged.
I couldn't believe it! Perhaps it wasn't the heat that was slowing down my Parkrun times and perhaps there was in fact another reason for my body slowing itself down.
We were expecting a baby!!!