We've only made the decision fairly recently to actually actively start trying for a baby and after the first few months of unsuccessful trying we start to learn a Little bit more about how it all works.
Now I'm not talking about the birds and the bees but more ovulation testing kits, daily body temperatures and cervical mucus! Yes that is certainly the recipe for love making right there!
I've gone through my teens worrying that every sexual encounter 'might' end up in pregnancy and even though I was taking the pill would also use condoms to protect against STI's and a double pregnancy protection barrier.
But now I am understanding the process a lot more and realising that the egg only lives for 24 hours inside your body and you only have a fertile window of around 5 days per month AND this can change from month to month depending on your cycle..... WOAH THERE. I had this misguided conception (excuse the pun) that if you were having unprotected sex then you can get pregnant but the reality is there's a lot more involved and timing is pretty crucial.
So armed with all this extra knowledge it's time to start looking at the calendar and planning things a little more precisely to give us the best chance of conception.